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Phase II of the Capital Campaign

The Diplomacy Center Foundation is embarking on Phase II of its capital campaign to raise $35 million after having raised $50 million for the construction of the National Museum of American Diplomacy. Phase I saw the completion of the 20,000-square-foot glass entrance pavilion. Phase II will raise an additional $35 million to focus on exhibit design, fabrication, and installation in Hall I and in an additional 20,000 square feet in the Harry S. Truman Building at the U.S. Department of State.

Internationally renowned exhibit designers C&G Partners and Beyer Blinder Belle Architects are bringing together cutting-edge design and technology to explain and explore the history, practice, and challenges of American diplomacy.

The exhibition design process is currently underway and preliminary sketches have been drafted for the three exhibition halls. Through thoughtful discussions and collaborations, staff, experts, and designers are bringing these plans much closer to finalization. Every element, from the view of the visitors, as they approach the information desk to their navigation of free-floating displays, is under careful review. At our current pace, the Foundation and Museum staff are on track to have the 35% drawings completed towards the end of the year. These drawings will solidify various design elements and allow Foundation staff to provide richer details to current and prospective donors. From these drawings, we will swiftly move towards 65% design plans.

Phase II of our campaign is a $35 million effort and is expected to end with the opening of the National Museum of American Diplomacy—the first museum in the nation dedicated to telling the story of American diplomacy. With your continued support, we are moving closer to opening the doors to visitors.